
Safety Check: When and Why You Need an Electrician for Inspection?


Ensuring your home’s properly installed and well-maintained electrical system is a key yet often overlooked aspect of homeownership. Faulty electrical wiring is the source of over 40,000 home fires each year, making it critical to understand when and why periodic electrical inspections are needed. This guide covers everything from spotting warning signs of electrical issues to determining a safe inspection frequency and fully preparing for the inspection process. Read on for potentially life-saving information on how an electrician can save you with timely inspection. 

  1. Importance of Electrical Safety

Functioning electricity is an integral part of our daily lives that it’s easy to take for granted – until there’s a problem. However, outdated or improperly wired electrical systems can present serious safety hazards, including fires, shocks, and electrocutions. The Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates over 30,000 shock accidents occur each year, along with nearly 300 electrocutions. Catching and correcting electrical issues early is critical for preventing major issues. Regular inspections by a qualified electrical expert are the best way to identify and address problems before they become catastrophic.

  1. Common Signs It’s Time for an Inspection

How can you determine it’s time to call an expert for an inspection? Watch for these common red flags:

  • Frequent tripped circuit breakers or blown fuses, especially when specific devices turn on
  • Odd electrical smells like burning plastic
  • Flickering or dimming lights
  • Buzzing sounds from switches or outlets
  • Discolored outlets or switch plates
  • Cracked wire insulation
  • Unusually high energy bills

Any of these could signal potentially hazardous electrical issues lurking within walls and require further professional investigation via an electrical inspection.

  1. Frequency of Electrical Inspections

Ideally, a comprehensive electrical inspection should occur at least once every 5-10 years. However, homes with older wiring or electrical systems installed during periods when less stringent building codes existed likely warrant more frequent inspections every 3-5 years. Newer homes may only need an initial inspection with follow-ups every 7-10 years. Changes in occupancy, renovations, or upgrades to larger appliances also necessitate inspections to catch any overlooked issues.

  1. Seasonal Considerations

In addition to regular inspections, prepare electrical systems for the unique rigors of changing seasons:

Spring/Summer – Clean gutters and weatherproof exposed exterior outlets/lighting to prevent moisture damage leading to shorts.

Fall/Winter – Examine mastheads, weatherheads, and overhead electrical lines for secure connections before storms arrive. Insulate pipes to avoid freezing and rupture near connections.

  1. DIY Electrical Safety Checks

While professional electrical inspections are essential, homeowners can perform these periodic DIY safety checks:

  • Reset tripped GFCIs and AFCIs
  • Check for hot outlets and switch plates
  • Verify light bulbs match the recommended wattage
  • Test smoke and CO detectors
  • Examine cords for damage before seasonal storage
  • Clean debris from outdoor electrical boxes

Even if these checks reveal no issues, don’t neglect to have an expert inspection regularly. DIY efforts cannot match an expert’s ability to inspect the entire system thoroughly.

  1. Benefits of Regular Electrical Inspections

Beyond merely detecting problems, regular electrical inspections provide other meaningful benefits:

  • Prevention – Identifying minor deficiencies early prevents them from evolving into major hazards, resulting in fires or injuries down the road.
  • Cost Savings – Early identification of issues allows for less expensive repairs before problems cascade and require costlier troubleshooting.
  •  Extended System Lifespan – Proactive maintenance and repairs keep electrical systems operating efficiently for longer durations compared to reactive approaches.
  •  Informed Budgeting – Comprehensive inspections help homeowners plan and budget for eventual upgrades by revealing systems reaching expected lifespan limits
  • Peace of Mind – Perhaps most importantly, routine inspections provide confidence in your family’s safety and your home’s integrity against electrical disasters.
  1. Professional vs DIY Inspections

Attempting electrical inspections without proper training invites potential hazards. While DIY basic checks are fine, only licensed electrical experts possess the expertise to thoroughly assess your entire electrical system. Professionals have extensive technical knowledge and years of practical troubleshooting experience, allowing them to identify issues homeowners may overlook. They also use advanced diagnostic tools and testing capabilities beyond average homeowners’ access.

Moreover, licensed professionals ensure any recommended repairs meet all electrical codes – something DIYers may not provide. For your wallet and your family’s safety, electrical inspections are one area where DIY attempts fall short of professional assessments.

  1. Preparing for an Electrical Inspection

Schedule inspections during temperate weather so attics and crawlspaces are accessible. One month’s advance notice ensures you get on busy professionals’ calendars. Before the appointment, de-clutter storage areas to improve access to electrical panels and wiring for inspection. Once the expert arrives, shut off and lock out the main breakers so the system can be safely tested during the inspection. Expect the process to take 2-3 hours for the average single-family home. The professional will assess connections, wiring conditions, amperage ratings, voltage, and compliance with electrical codes. Discuss any known issues upfront to streamline troubleshooting priorities and keep within the scheduled timeframe.

  1. Ensuring Code Compliance

A major benefit of professional electrical inspections involves evaluating compliance with National Electric Codes (NEC) and local building codes. These regulations exist to minimize electrical hazards by setting consistent safety standards. Common checks include proper wire sizes given amperages, sufficient circuit overload protections, and appropriate grounding. Identified deficiencies must be remedied to pass final inspections and obtain certificates of occupancy. Otherwise, substantial risks remain if non-compliant installations continue operating outside code regulations.

  1. Electrical Upgrades & Repairs

Inspections frequently reveal systems near or exceeding expected lifespans and components no longer up to modern electrical demands. Two of the most common upgrade recommendations include installing arc fault (AFCI) and ground fault (GFCI) outlet interrupters, plus upgrading overloaded service panels and dated wiring. Typical minor repairs involve securing loose connections, replacing damaged cords, upgrading light fixtures, or weatherproofing outdoor electrical boxes as needed. Consider inspector repair recommendations as investments in improving electrical integrity while avoiding preventable hazards.

In conclusion, regular electrical inspections are vital for maintaining the safety and efficiency of your home’s electrical system. Don’t neglect this essential maintenance task; always trust a licensed electrician for professional inspections. Remember, prevention is better than cure when it comes to electrical safety!

Are you looking for a reliable, professional electrical inspection in your home? Shock Free Electrical is here to ensure your safety and peace of mind. Call us today at (709) 687-5393 and let our team of experts deliver outstanding electrical inspection services tailored to your needs.